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Misery a Rape survivor go through.

The most brutal crime this 21th century can offer us is RAPE.

According to NCRB 3,71,503 cases of crime against women were reported in 2020.

Now to be honest, it's just a small number mentioned on the paper. In reality this number is way more bigger than this.

According to BBC, In India 60% of households lack access to toilets making women vulnerable to sexual assault.

If I talk particularly about sexual assault cases so while the victim going through with so much physical pain, a lot of things happening in her mind also.

Now the question is, What a Rape survivor feels?

One article of The ET says, in 94.6 Percent cases of rape, accused known to victim.

This statement justifies that survivors will suffer from Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD). People who suffer from this disorder presume an unrelenting mistrust and suspicion of others, even when there is no reason to be suspicious. In this situation survivors can also have depression attacks, insecure feelings and thoughts.

The victim feels like going and hiding somewhere far from this judgemental society. After experiencing that traumatising incident, the victim is not even comfortable talking to anyone about it.

The victim hallucinates the accused every single time anyone touches them.

After all that daily suffering of Anxiety, Depression, Panic attacks, Mix feeling and thoughts, more things are yet to come.

The victim feels guilty about the crime that they have never committed, then disappointment and betrayal stays with them till the end.

It's very much impossible to overcome. For them this is not less than hell itself, trying to pretend you are normal but in reality it's not the same.


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